Hello World
Greetings everyone. This is my first blog post in well over a decade but I plan on making many more with the hopes of helping other curious folks as I continue my studies in computer science.
My name is Roland Heintze, I work as a Django Developer out of Tampa for a small startup. I graduated from Georgia Southern University in 2013 with a bachelor’s in Computer Science but believe that this was merely a new start to my journey into solving technical problems as a lifestyle. I consider myself a decent programmer but have worked with some very sharp people and picked up some good tricks along the way. Before programming professionally I was in the military as a Reconaissance Marine. I hope that this will lend an interesting tilt to my writing and I’ll try to draw up parallels and analogies between these drastically different fields whenever possible.
I have created this site as a means to showcase my work, share tidbits of things I’ve learned, & encouraging myself to continue learning but also to start documenting these experiences. I’ve tried many different languages and frameworks but this is the first that I’ve thought about cataloging these kinds of efforts. In doing this I believe it’ll help me to reflect on lessons learned and better retain the important bits. Additionally I get the added benefit of possibly helping other students along the way.
I don’t want to pursue any single aspect of computer programming/introspection so I expect the content to vary wildly depending on my mood and interests at the time. In the coming months I have considerations of covering various Python libraries, Jekyll (what drives this site), useful scripts, Angularjs, nodejs & its tools, static analysis, and various problems that I have been faced with.
As of now the site is fairly generic and I imagine it changing drastically as I get more feedback from my readers. If you would like to contact me with any questions, thoughts, or ideas for this blog please feel free to do so. I can be reached by email at rheintze on the linux.com domain. I can also be found idling freenode on #shaft.
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